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Cornell Organs
Arp Schnitger Baroque Organ

A New Organ for Anabel Taylor Chapel, The Cornell Baroque Organ reconstructs the tonal design of the celebrated instrument at the Charlottenburg-Schlosskapelle built in the first decade of the 18th century in Berlin by Arp Schnitger, one of history’s greatest organ builders. The instrument’s layout and visual design will be based on Schnitger’s breathtaking organ case at Clausthal-Zellerfeld in central Germany. Read More
Cornell Baroque Organ Project video
1. Principal 8′
2. Quintadena 16′
3. Floite dues 8′
4. Gedact 8′
5. Octav 4′
6. Viol de gamb 4′
7. Spitzflöit 4′
8. Nassat 3′
9. SuperOctav 2′
10. Mixtur V-VI
11. Trompete 8′
12. Vox humana 8′
1. Principal 8′
2. Gedact lieblich 8′
3. Octav 4′
4. Floite dues 4′
5. Octav 2′
6. Sesquialt II
7. Waltflöit 2′
8. Scharf III
9. Hoboy 8′
1. Principal 16′
2. Octav 8′
3. Octav 4′
4. Nachthorn 2′
5. Rauschpfeife II
6. Mixtur IV
7. Posaunen 16′
8. Trommet 8′
9. Trommet 4′
10. Cornet 2′
3 Sperrventile
Compass: Manuals C, D – d3, Pedals C, D – d1
4 wedge bellows
Temperament: Werckmeister III
Pitch: a = 415
Aeolian-Skinner Organ (Sage)

The largest organ on campus is the eclectic American classic Aeolian Skinner (1940) located in the elaborately decorated 19th-century Sage Chapel, at the center of the campus. Built under the direction of G. Donald Harrison, this organ is a classic example of Harrison’s tonal thinking in 1940. It incorporates advanced neo-Baroque elements but also includes a number of ranks re-used from earlier instruments. Read More
Principal 8′
Bourdon 8′
Spitzflöte 8′
Principal 4′
Rohrflöte 4′
Quint 2 2/3′
Super Octave 2′
Full Mixture IV
Fourniture IV
Cymbel III
Trumpet 8′
Gedeckt 8′
Nachthorn 4′
Nasat 2 2/3′
Italian Principal 2′
Terz 1 3/5′
Oktav 1′
Zimbel III
Bourdon 16′
Diapason 8′
Stopped Diapason 8′
Viole de Gambe 8′
Viole Celeste 8′
Sesquialtera II
Principal 4′
Cor de Nuit 4′
Fifteenth 2′
Plein Jeu III
Fagotto 16′
Trompette 8′
Vox Humana 8′
Oboe 8′
Clarion 4′
Contra Bourdon 32′
Principal 16′
Violone 16′
Bourdon 16′
Echo Lieblich 16′ (from Swell)
Principal 8′
Gedackt Pommer 8′
Violone 8′
Quint 5 1/3′
Principal 4′
Koppelflöte 4′
Blockflöte 2′
Fourniture IV
Bombarde 16′
Tompette 8′
Clarion 4′
Viole 8′
Concert Flute 8′
Erzähler 8′
Erzähler Celeste 8′ (from tenor C)
Flauto Traverso 4′
Zauberflöte 2′
English Horn 8′
Cromorne 8′
Dallas Morse Coors Chamber Organ (Barnes)
This classic 18th-century style German chamber organ, with one manual and pedal, and five ranks (with divided keyboard) was built at the Gothenburg Organ Art Center in 2003. It is designed to fulfill numerous functions, from continuo accompaniment in both instrumental and vocal music, to solo recitals and the performance of the 18th-century organ concerto repertoire. The organ also serves as a practice instrument of the highest quality for organ students on campus. Read More
Manual: (C, D-d3)
Principal 8’ (Discant; wood)
Gedackt 8’ (B/D; wood)
Open Floit 4’ (B/D; wood)
Quint 3’ (B/D; wood)
Principal 2’ (B/D; metal)
Pedal: (C, D-d1)
Pull-down from Manual
Pitch: A=415 Temperament: Werckmeister III
Map to the organs on Cornell's campus. Organ Map
Rochester Organs
The Craighead-Saunders Organ in Christ Church, Rochester
Modeled after the 1776 Adam Gottlob Casparini organ in Vilnius, Lithuania
The Craighead-Saunders Organ is a research copy of the historical organ preserved at the Dominican Church in Vilnius, Lithuania, built in 1776 by Adam Gottlob Casparini (1715–1788). The instrument was copied with the following exceptions: a second tremulant was added; the empty slider at the back on the Claviatura Secunda windchest was supplied with a 16′ Dulcian; a manual to pedal coupler was added; and the compass was extended by two notes in the manuals and in the pedal. All parts were crafted by GOArt at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, with the exception of the bells for the glockenspiel and Zimbelstern, which were cast by the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in England, and the case carvings, which were documents and reproduced by New Energy Works, Farmington (NY), the same firm that also built the new timberframe balcony for the organ.
David Higgs introduces the Craighead-Saunders Organ
16′ Bourdun
8′ Principal
8′ Hohlflaut
8′ Qvintathon
4′ Octava Principal
4′ Flaut Travers
3′ Qvinta
2′ Super Octava
2′ Flasch Flöt
1 3/5′ Tertia
1′ Mixtura IV-I
8′ Trompet
8′ Principal Amalel
8′ Flaut Major
8′ Iula
4′ Principal
4′ Spiel Flöt
4′ Flaut Minor
2′ Octava
2′ Wald Flöt
1′ Mixtura III-IV
16′ Dulcian †
8′ Vox Humana *
16′ Principal Bass
16′ Violon Bass
12′ Full Bass
8′ Octava Bass
8′ Flaut & Quint Bass
4′ Super Octava Bass *
16′ Posaun Bass
8′ Trompet Bass
II/I shove coupler
I/Pedall coupler †
Gwiazdy (Cymbelstern)
Vox Campanorum
(Glockenspiel, g0–d3)
Bebny (drum stop)
Manual Compass: 51 notes (CC-d3)
Pedal Compass: 27 notes (CC-d1)
Six wedge bellows
Temperament: modified
Neidhardt 1732, Dorf
A4 = 465 Hz
* Reconstructed
† Added
The Italian Baroque Organ, Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester
Italian Baroque organ by unknown builder (c. 1660–1770), restored by Gerald Woehl, Marburg, Germany (2005)
(compass: CDEFGA–c′′′)
Principale bassi 8 (C wood, from D in façade)
Principale soprano 8′
Ottava (4′)
Decimaquinta (2′ treble, reconstructed pipes)
Decimanona (1 1/3′)
Vigesima Seconda (1′)
Vigesima Sesta e Nona (1/2′ and 1/3′)
Flauto in ottava (4′)
Flauto in duodecima (2 2/3′)
Flauto in XVII (1 3/4′, from F)
Voce Umana (from D)
Tromboncini bassi
Tromboncini soprani
(pull-down compass: CEFGA–g sharp)
Contrabassi 16′ (C, D, E, F, G, A, B flat, B)
(new: c sharp, d sharp, f sharp, g sharp)
Temperament: Quarter-comma meantone
Tiratutti (Ripieno)
Uccelliera (birdsong)
Tamburo (c sharp, d sharp, f sharp, g sharp)
Restoration completed by organ-building and
restoration workshop of Gerald Woehl,
Marburg (Lahn), Germany
Restoration team: Gerald Woehl, Monika May, Simon
Buser, Felix Kurt
Reconstruction of Tromboncini: organ-building workshop
of Giovanni Pradella, Berbenno di Valtellina (SO) in Italy