David Gable, guest lecturer

David Gable attended The University of Chicago where he wrote a dissertation on Verdi’s harmonic language. Editor of a collection of essays on the music of Alban Berg, he also edited selected papers of America’s premiere patron, Paul Fromm. Specializing in the area of post-war European music, he has published several articles on the music of Pierre Boulez. He also co-edited a volume of essays published in honor of Charles Rosen on his 80th birthday, to which he contributed an article on the music of Boulez and Stockhausen in relationship to “allover” painting. Dr. Gable teaches Music Theory and Music History at Clark Atlanta University.
Mr. Gable will deliver a lecture and participate in a panel discussion on Saturday, March 7.
Mr. Gable will deliver a lecture and participate in a panel discussion on Saturday, March 7.