Keyboard Networks:
Interrogating the Cultures and Technologies of Music at the Keyboard

Conference Schedule

FRIDAY, March 4th
Lincoln Hall B20

2:00 pm

KEYNOTE I: Deirdre Loughridge (University of California, Berkeley) How Do Keyboards Network?

3:15-5:30 pm

PANEL I: Phantom Bodies
Erica Levenson, chair

Ryan MacEvoy McCullough and Shin Hwang Schubert's Four-Hand: Music for Collaborative Play

Allison Wente (University of Texas at Austin) Phantom Fingers at Work: Selling the Player Piano in a Changing Musical Marketplace

Dietmar Friesenegger Rubinstein’s Nightmare: A Pianistic Utopia and its Competitive Reality

Barnes Hall Auditorium
8:00 pm

LECTURE RECITAL: Kenneth Hamilton (Cardiff University), piano
Unauthorized Versions: Dogma and Heresy in the Performance of Chopin and Liszt

SATURDAY, March 5th
Lincoln Hall B20
9:00 am-noon

PANEL II: Rehearing Agency
Sara Haefeli (Ithaca College), chair

Rob Haskins (University of New Hampshire) John Cage’s Music as Models of Sociopolitical Action: Three Approaches to the Piano

Mackenzie Pierce Fryderyk Chopin and the Geography of Memory

Aya Saiki Murmuring Machines: Vocal Synthesis and the Keyboard Interface

Ryan MacEvoy McCullough and Andrew Zhou
Reconstituting (and Rehearing) the Networks of Modul 69B: A Performance Project of Stockhausen’s Mantra for two pianos and electronics

12:00-1:00 pm

Lunch break

1:00-3:15 pm

PANEL III: Temporal Crossings
Becky Lu, chair

Daniel Walden (Harvard University) Decoding Tristan Perich's Dual Synthesis

Matthew Hall Anxieties over Bach: Nineteenth-Century Keyboards and ‘Authenticity’

Roger Moseley Grids and Filters: Chopin’s Technologies of Concealment and Disclosure

3:15-3:45 pm


3:45-4:45 pm

KEYNOTE II: James Q. Davies (University of California, Berkeley) Network Analogies: The Keyboard as Field of Imperial Play

Barnes Hall Auditorium
8:00 pm

Annette Richards and David Yearsley, organ, harpsichord, and fortepiano; Bug Davidson, video
Charles Burney’s Musical Tour
See the trailer here (scroll down to bottom).