The Forest and the Trees
Malcolm Bilson, Xak Bjerken, Sezi Seskir, Brian Wang, Miri Yampolsky

Barnes Hall, Auditorium


Five Pieces for Piano, Op. 75, “The Trees”

    When the Rowan Blossoms

    The Solitary Pine

    The Aspen

    The Birch

    The Spruce

Jean Sibelius (1865-1957)

Xak Bjerken, Aliquot grand piano by Blüthner (Leipzig, 1878)

Rang de Basant

Reena Esmail (b. 1983)

Brian Wang, Steinway piano (New York, 1908/1985)


Luciano Berio (1925-2003)

By the still waters

Amy Beach (1867-1944)

October from The Seasons, Op. 37a

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893)

Miri Yampolsky, Steinway piano (New York, 1908/1985)

Two Waltzes,

    Waltz in a minor, Opus 34, No. 2

    Waltz in Ab Major, Opus 34, No. 1

Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849)

Malcolm Bilson, piano by Pleyel et Cie (Paris, 1843)

Waldszenen (Forest Scenes), Op. 82

    Eintritt (Entry)

    Jäger auf er Lauer (Hunters on the lookout)

    Einsame Blumen (Lonely Flowers)

    Verrufene Stelle (Haunted Places)

    Freundliche Landschaft (Friendly Landscapes)

    Herberge (Wayside Inn)

    Vogel als Prophet (Bird as Prophet)

    Jagdlied (Hunting Song)

    Abschied (Farewell)

Robert Schumann (1810-1856)

Sezi Seskir, piano by Rodney Regier after Conrad Graf (Vienna, 1824)

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