Online Donation Form

We are very grateful for donations of any amount. If you would like to designate your contribution for a particular purpose or program, please let us know in the box below.

You may also wish to consider joining the Westfield Center as a member: you may use this form instead to join and make a donation at the same time.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your Information

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Targeted Giving

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Grant

Your donation will support this annual grant that funds scholarly and creative projects that foster diversity, equity, and inclusion within the keyboard field. Learn more.


Friends Circle Donation

Please consider making a gift to the Westfield Center, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization.
Donations, in addition to membership fees, serve to meet costs directly toward festivals and special events.

Patron: $5,000 or more
Benefactor: $1,000 – $4,999
Sponsor: $500 – $999
Supporter: $250 – $499
Donor: $100 – $249

Personal Message and/or Funding Designation:

Payment Info

Questions? Problems? Contact

No credit card information is received or stored by the Westfield Center.

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