Diversity and Belonging: Unsung Keyboard Stories – Funding Opportunities

Should you wish to donate to Diversity and Belonging, please specify whether you prefer to contribute to the general conference fund or to a precise funding opportunity below. Contributions can be made upon registration or by visiting the Westfield donation page.

Wednesday, January 26 to Sunday, January 30, 2022
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan USA

| Main Page | Main Schedule |

Performers and presenters

Conference attendance subsidies, $10,000

[$2000 sponsored by Matthew Dirst]

SphinxConnect (Detroit) registration for conference participants, $2000

[$300 sponsored by Tiffany Ng; $1700 remaining]

Preserve D&B conference innovations via video and print archives, $9000

[awaiting funding]

Commission a new keyboard work by a BIPOC, womxn, or LGBTQIA2S+ composer to be premiered at the conference

[Completed. $1000 for Karen Walwyn, funded by Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra; $2000 for Connor Chee’s carillon piece funded by Tiffany Ng.]

*Contribute to the general Diversity & Belonging conference fund; apply my donation wherever needed